Saturday, May 24, 2008

An inconvenient truth

The movie is about global warming, and it is presented by United States Vice President Al Gore who was the nominee for president of America. He describes the changes in climate and the temperature and he describe the results of these changes. For example the breaking and the melting of the ice in west Antarctica which could raise global sea levels by nearly 6 meters which will drown some of lands and islands around the world. This is a big problem to the animals which live in Antarctica. He said because of that we may have to draw a new map of world. Another thing he talked about in the film is the relationship between carbon and temperature. The increase in carbon rate will raise the temperature in the world which may cause many problems. One of these problems is the increasing in sea temperature. Because it is making the hurricanes to get stronger He also mentioned that 40% of the people of the earth depend in Himalaya chain for their drink water. Al Gore wanted to show us that the people should learn from their mistakes and start to change. When he spoke about his sister died from a long cancer. In the end of the movie Al Gore mentioned possible solution for the "global warming" problem like, try to reduce our carbon emission in the world.

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