Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Crowds flock to monkey 'wedding'

One of the strangest weddings in the world. It was a ceremony in eastern India in Ghanteswara village in Orissa state. It was attended by some 3000 villagers. The wedding was for two monkeys, the bride name "Jhumuri" and she was dresses in a five meter long sari and decked in flowers and smeared her with sandalwoods. The "groom" a three year old male monkey named Manu was found him in a neighbouring village. The priest followed all rituals that he does in human marriages in the monkeys marriage. The monkeys were showered with gifts by those present. The woman who has been looking after the female monkey felt as if her daughter was getting married. Now the two monkeys have been released by their owner after they were kept on chain.

It is really strange wedding, and so interesting and funny.

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