Wednesday, March 12, 2008


One of the most beautiful Arab countries is Lebanon, which was called in the bible "the land of milk and honey". The capital of Lebanon is Beirut; it is having a nickname which is "Paris of the east". Lebanon has one of the most famous singers in the world she is "Shakira". The name of the five countries which surround Lebanon is Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Cyprus and Israel.

Lebanon has many realign for example Muslims and Christians. Frome 1943 to 1948 there was circumstances that contributed to increased tensions between Muslims and Christians. The tensions was in 1975 the reasons of these tension was, Christians held the balance of power and Lebanese Muslims had little say in the running their country, and members of a radical Christian group, the Phalange attacked and killed a bus full of Palestinians in down town Beirut. The result of the tensions is that, Revenge killings followed, and violence began to spiral out of control. In 1982 the Israel army invaded the city with the aim of removing the Palestinian Liberation organisation. The space deal was reached.
The human and economic costs of the conflict were between 150000_200000 people died daring the civil war. Another 300000 were wounded, nearly a quarter of the population left the country, and for year Beirut's economy was paralysed.

There are some problems in the Lebanon. Like, living there is expensive, air pollution and a lot of traffic on the street. However it's nice country.

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