Thursday, June 5, 2008

Introduction to cool cities

Pollution is a very important and big problem in the world and it is increasing each day. Global warming one of the problems that cause danger in our life. It causes the melting in ices which raise global sea levels and cause many other problems. The main reason of global warming is the increasing in carbon emission around the world. We have to reduce the carbon emission in our countries to make cool cities. Abu Dhabi is trying to be one of the cool cities. We have to be a critical thinker to solve the pollution problem and to reduce a carbon emission. In this project I am going to write about global warming problem and what it's cause and I will describe a cool cities and also I will write about a carbon foot print which mean that how much each person cause pollution. I will use the critical thinking to write about these things and I will write possible solutions of the pollution problem.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Abu Dhabi – A Cool city?

Although Abu Dhabi is the richest city in the world it's not yet a cool city. It has much carbon dioxide that goes out from its factories and cars and the buildings. But Abu Dhabi making a first steps to be a cool city by doing a new project such as Masder city the city with zero carbon emission, and it try to reduce the carbon dioxide to be a cool city in the future.

Cool Cities (SDCJ)

Since the start of the industrial revolution, there have been some problems related to economic development like: rises in population, increase energy consumption, traffic delay and increase in carbon dioxide be emitted into the air. If we don’t solve these problems we will need another planet to live on it. We need to decrease 1.5 of Carbon Dioxide emitted into the air to live within the capacity of single earth.

In Japan during the last 30 years the (Gross Domestic Product) has gone up 100% while energy efficiency has increased 37% and oil consumption has decreased 8%. About 90 percent of carbon dioxide emitted into the air comes from building and transportation. Cool City was building by SDCJ and also they are from Japan, there are three types of transportation that will be used in Cool City like hybrid, water taxi and gasoline electricity. Business culture greens are the various zones in the city. There are some techniques that will reduce heat by water, trees and roof membrane. 60% is the overall percentage of reduction of CO2 emissions claimed in the video.

Why I would/would not like to live in Masdar city??

Abu Dhabi will make the first cool city in the world that has zero carbon dioxide and zero waste it is the Masder city. I hope to be one of resident in this cool city when it will be ready.

I would like to live in this city for many reasons. One reason is that I will be more saving from the diseases there because there will be no carbon and I will breathe a fresh air. Second reason is that there will be no cars congestions and no care noise and this what I really heat it and I was always dream to live in place without car noise and congestion. Another reason is that my life stile will be better, I will always walk to the place that I want to go and I like walking to keep my body fit and healthier.

Whose don’t want to live in Masder city? In city without pollution problems, without cars noise and congestions. With beautiful green places and small lakes and live comfortable life.

note: if you want to see video about Masder city click the link below ^_^

One Planet Living

One planet living is a global program based on 10 principles of sustainability:

1- Zero Carbon: the amount of CO2 in the air that produced from daily human activities.

2- Zero Waste: throwing away the garbage and unnecessary things that may damage the valuable resources.

3- Sustainable transport: affecting the kind of transports that we used on climate change and which caused many problems to environment like the pollution.

4- Local and sustainable materials: the construction and manufacturing which cause the increase in environmental problems and reduce the benefits for people.

5- Local and sustainable food: industrial agriculture produces food of uncertain quality which may cause many problems for environment and for the transport because of food transferring.

6- Sustainable water: the decrease the amount of freshwater that people need because of pollution and the human activities.

7- Natural Habitats and wildlife: over-exploitation of natural resources and the development in natural areas cause the decrease the number of natural area, plants and animals.

8- Culture and heritage: effecting the globalization on the people which make them doesn't care about their heritage cultural and have a few details about their country habits and history.

9- Equity and fair trade: many developing and rich countries cannot meet their basic needs from what they produce or sell.

10- Health and happiness: although people live healthier and wealthier and the feel happy in these days they don’t know the real reasons for contentment.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Carbon Footprint

Carbon foot print is a measurement of how much each person impact in pollution and carbon emission in the way of living. I measured my carbon foot print and the result was that I need 2.54 planets to live in it if everybody lives the same way I live. In this essay I am going to explain some problem for my carbon foot print and discuss some possible solution.

I have several problems in my way of live that increase my foot print. One problem is that I don’t recycle any product that already I used such as cans, paper and plastic bottles. Another problem is that i used too much electricity in my life, and in our country in our country we produce electricity by burning fuel gas, natural gas and propane as a result all of these will produce carbon dioxide. Yet another problem is that I always use car for traveling even in the short picnic.

There are many solutions to reduce my carbon foot print. One solution is that trying to recycle our materials which are able to recycle and use them with another useful thing instead to throw it away. Another solution is that reduce the amount of electricity that I used each day, by switch off the lights that I don’t need it and switch off the house machines that I don’t used. Yet another solution is that I have to reduce my driving our and try to use bicycle for short trip and use motorcycle for the long trips.

We have to make a change. We have time to reduce our carbon foot print and to save the earth. There are many solutions to reduce our carbon foot print, we only need to start it.

note: if you want to masure your carbon foot print click the link below ^_^