Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Carbon Footprint

Carbon foot print is a measurement of how much each person impact in pollution and carbon emission in the way of living. I measured my carbon foot print and the result was that I need 2.54 planets to live in it if everybody lives the same way I live. In this essay I am going to explain some problem for my carbon foot print and discuss some possible solution.

I have several problems in my way of live that increase my foot print. One problem is that I don’t recycle any product that already I used such as cans, paper and plastic bottles. Another problem is that i used too much electricity in my life, and in our country in our country we produce electricity by burning fuel gas, natural gas and propane as a result all of these will produce carbon dioxide. Yet another problem is that I always use car for traveling even in the short picnic.

There are many solutions to reduce my carbon foot print. One solution is that trying to recycle our materials which are able to recycle and use them with another useful thing instead to throw it away. Another solution is that reduce the amount of electricity that I used each day, by switch off the lights that I don’t need it and switch off the house machines that I don’t used. Yet another solution is that I have to reduce my driving our and try to use bicycle for short trip and use motorcycle for the long trips.

We have to make a change. We have time to reduce our carbon foot print and to save the earth. There are many solutions to reduce our carbon foot print, we only need to start it.

note: if you want to masure your carbon foot print click the link below ^_^


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