Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Profile

I was born in Abu Dhabi in 8th of December in 1988, and when I was a child I was lived in Bani Yas city and then we moved to Al Falah area it’s soon from Suwehan. My father was a soldier but now he be an old man so he sits at home and sometime he goes to his farm. His farm located in Al wathbah, and my mother is a house wife. I have 6 brothers, 3 older than me and 3 younger than me and I have 2 sisters and they are also older than me . Before I went to school I was a little naughty and spoilt child. My mother told me I was always crying. On the first day I went to school at 6 years old I was so afraid and I cried because I want my father to stay with me because I was feel afraid, but then I adapted with situation.

Everyone passes the ages of his youth and teenage years. That means that everyone moves from being a child growing up to a teenager and then to an old human being. In Fact, it’s hard to remember, memories from that time. But, what my parents say in that I was naughty, active and clever when I was a child. That duration when the human being between 3 years to 15 years old he is usually be naughty and active children like moving and discovering everything that surround them .Then when he becomes between 16 years to 30 years he starts to be more responsible for his actions.

I’m living my teenage years now, so I feel that I'm more responsible. My brain is growing up with my age, too. In that part of age, the human starts to make his relationships and his friendships, I do now, and he also feels more romantic. Finally, the human becomes older and starts to lose his energy when he grow up and be an old .In that time , he relies the differences between all the part of life and his oldness .
He becomes wiser. And he does everything in a logical ways. And he tries to rest and relax. And finally, the human being passes away .that the cycle of life. And we all have to move with it. Let me till you about my travels. I have travelled to many few places. But my favourite was the last travel and it was in last summer holiday and it was to Salalah. We decided me and 3 of my cousins to go to Salalah and we take 8 hours from here to Salalah. First of all... we decided to go to “Alshams Mountain" and we spent from night to morning and we can sea the different from under the mountain and below of it in several ways. Like: weather, vegetation, and the wild life and at the morning we saw the most beautiful view that is the sunshine in the beginning and the most point of this trip is for guys only. We didn't take any female member!! And when we climb down .Our leader suggest to complete our trip to Salalah which was 1000 kilometre so, we glad in the funny idea, and really we completed it and start from 10 morning and reached to Salalah the next morning. But we didn’t feel any bored so after that we reach to Salalah, and spent it this city 4 days and actually we didn’t feel the time …and the time goes by so fast!!! The tourist attraction and destination in these city are unlimited we spent these 4 day have fun and hard work in cleaning our house there…but really we are not like females. Because we are little lazy, because we return to it in late time and wake up in morning. And there are many trips I did it but this is my favourite.

Usually in my free time I like to play with my brothers. Sometimes I go out with my family to Abu Dhabi Mall and go shopping. I spend lots of time watching movies on TV, and playing some video games on my Play Station. Every Friday I visit my grandfather and grandmother in Sharjah. I always enjoy when I make designs for pictures, I like to take a picture with my camera. And I like so much to go to sea to fishing with my father. And every weekend I like to met my friends to go to cinema I like to watch a horror movies and tragedy movies, my favourite horror films is ( The Descent, Resident Evil, Saw, Silent Hill ) and my favourite tragedy film is Man of Fire .

Now I am a student in a ADMC in a common year and I study business , if I pass this year I will inter the business accounting , actually I hope to be a businessman and have my own business . I wish to be in future an important person. If I could change anything in the UAE I would, make balance between the seven Emirates and it will not be an Emirate richer than the other. It will be all UAE are rich. And that is all my ambitions in the future of course it's including to get marred and have good big family and lives comfortable.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Introduction to cool cities

Pollution is a very important and big problem in the world and it is increasing each day. Global warming one of the problems that cause danger in our life. It causes the melting in ices which raise global sea levels and cause many other problems. The main reason of global warming is the increasing in carbon emission around the world. We have to reduce the carbon emission in our countries to make cool cities. Abu Dhabi is trying to be one of the cool cities. We have to be a critical thinker to solve the pollution problem and to reduce a carbon emission. In this project I am going to write about global warming problem and what it's cause and I will describe a cool cities and also I will write about a carbon foot print which mean that how much each person cause pollution. I will use the critical thinking to write about these things and I will write possible solutions of the pollution problem.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Abu Dhabi – A Cool city?

Although Abu Dhabi is the richest city in the world it's not yet a cool city. It has much carbon dioxide that goes out from its factories and cars and the buildings. But Abu Dhabi making a first steps to be a cool city by doing a new project such as Masder city the city with zero carbon emission, and it try to reduce the carbon dioxide to be a cool city in the future.

Cool Cities (SDCJ)

Since the start of the industrial revolution, there have been some problems related to economic development like: rises in population, increase energy consumption, traffic delay and increase in carbon dioxide be emitted into the air. If we don’t solve these problems we will need another planet to live on it. We need to decrease 1.5 of Carbon Dioxide emitted into the air to live within the capacity of single earth.

In Japan during the last 30 years the (Gross Domestic Product) has gone up 100% while energy efficiency has increased 37% and oil consumption has decreased 8%. About 90 percent of carbon dioxide emitted into the air comes from building and transportation. Cool City was building by SDCJ and also they are from Japan, there are three types of transportation that will be used in Cool City like hybrid, water taxi and gasoline electricity. Business culture greens are the various zones in the city. There are some techniques that will reduce heat by water, trees and roof membrane. 60% is the overall percentage of reduction of CO2 emissions claimed in the video.

Why I would/would not like to live in Masdar city??

Abu Dhabi will make the first cool city in the world that has zero carbon dioxide and zero waste it is the Masder city. I hope to be one of resident in this cool city when it will be ready.

I would like to live in this city for many reasons. One reason is that I will be more saving from the diseases there because there will be no carbon and I will breathe a fresh air. Second reason is that there will be no cars congestions and no care noise and this what I really heat it and I was always dream to live in place without car noise and congestion. Another reason is that my life stile will be better, I will always walk to the place that I want to go and I like walking to keep my body fit and healthier.

Whose don’t want to live in Masder city? In city without pollution problems, without cars noise and congestions. With beautiful green places and small lakes and live comfortable life.

note: if you want to see video about Masder city click the link below ^_^

One Planet Living

One planet living is a global program based on 10 principles of sustainability:

1- Zero Carbon: the amount of CO2 in the air that produced from daily human activities.

2- Zero Waste: throwing away the garbage and unnecessary things that may damage the valuable resources.

3- Sustainable transport: affecting the kind of transports that we used on climate change and which caused many problems to environment like the pollution.

4- Local and sustainable materials: the construction and manufacturing which cause the increase in environmental problems and reduce the benefits for people.

5- Local and sustainable food: industrial agriculture produces food of uncertain quality which may cause many problems for environment and for the transport because of food transferring.

6- Sustainable water: the decrease the amount of freshwater that people need because of pollution and the human activities.

7- Natural Habitats and wildlife: over-exploitation of natural resources and the development in natural areas cause the decrease the number of natural area, plants and animals.

8- Culture and heritage: effecting the globalization on the people which make them doesn't care about their heritage cultural and have a few details about their country habits and history.

9- Equity and fair trade: many developing and rich countries cannot meet their basic needs from what they produce or sell.

10- Health and happiness: although people live healthier and wealthier and the feel happy in these days they don’t know the real reasons for contentment.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Carbon Footprint

Carbon foot print is a measurement of how much each person impact in pollution and carbon emission in the way of living. I measured my carbon foot print and the result was that I need 2.54 planets to live in it if everybody lives the same way I live. In this essay I am going to explain some problem for my carbon foot print and discuss some possible solution.

I have several problems in my way of live that increase my foot print. One problem is that I don’t recycle any product that already I used such as cans, paper and plastic bottles. Another problem is that i used too much electricity in my life, and in our country in our country we produce electricity by burning fuel gas, natural gas and propane as a result all of these will produce carbon dioxide. Yet another problem is that I always use car for traveling even in the short picnic.

There are many solutions to reduce my carbon foot print. One solution is that trying to recycle our materials which are able to recycle and use them with another useful thing instead to throw it away. Another solution is that reduce the amount of electricity that I used each day, by switch off the lights that I don’t need it and switch off the house machines that I don’t used. Yet another solution is that I have to reduce my driving our and try to use bicycle for short trip and use motorcycle for the long trips.

We have to make a change. We have time to reduce our carbon foot print and to save the earth. There are many solutions to reduce our carbon foot print, we only need to start it.

note: if you want to masure your carbon foot print click the link below ^_^

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Cool cities in the USA

1. Seattle: They reduced global warming pollution by more than 60 percent by constructin green buildings and operating alternative fuel vehicles.

2. Washington DC: DC has replaced 414 of its polluting diesel buses with buses that burn natural gases.

3. Houston: convert a substantial portion of the city of fleet of cars and trucks.

4. Marion County/Florida: they use gas-electric hybrid vehicles.

5. The city of Scottsdale: has introduced Arizona’s first green building program which helps builders and home owners learn about how to integrate energy efficiency and water saving.

6. Salt Lake City: they changed 861 traffic lights to LED light signals.

7. Colorado: is working to produce 50 percent of the city electricity with renewable energy by 2017.

8. Charlotte: they switched from a gas only Ford Taurus to a hybrid Toyota Prius or Honda Civic and that would save city taxpayers approximately $800-1200 per vehicle including over $400 in annual fuel cost.

9. Twin Falls/ Idaho: Reduce energy cost and cut pollution by increasing the energy efficiency of its 11 schools.

10. St. Paul: they use a system that uses heat drawn from a biomass-fired power plant.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

An inconvenient truth

The movie is about global warming, and it is presented by United States Vice President Al Gore who was the nominee for president of America. He describes the changes in climate and the temperature and he describe the results of these changes. For example the breaking and the melting of the ice in west Antarctica which could raise global sea levels by nearly 6 meters which will drown some of lands and islands around the world. This is a big problem to the animals which live in Antarctica. He said because of that we may have to draw a new map of world. Another thing he talked about in the film is the relationship between carbon and temperature. The increase in carbon rate will raise the temperature in the world which may cause many problems. One of these problems is the increasing in sea temperature. Because it is making the hurricanes to get stronger He also mentioned that 40% of the people of the earth depend in Himalaya chain for their drink water. Al Gore wanted to show us that the people should learn from their mistakes and start to change. When he spoke about his sister died from a long cancer. In the end of the movie Al Gore mentioned possible solution for the "global warming" problem like, try to reduce our carbon emission in the world.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

What does “An Inconvenient Truth" mean??

"An inconvenient Truth", there are many reasons for put this title for this movie. One of these reasons is that the movie talked about a problem and the people don’t want to believe this problem and this truth and they don’t want to do any thing to solve this problem because it will effect negatively on their life stile so that they don’t want to change their our life stile to save the earth because they don’t know how big this problem is and Al Gore wants to make them wake up. Because of that it is named "An inconvenient Truth".

My reaction on An incononveinent truth movie

An Inconvenient Truth film makes me feel fear from the future. We are facing a big problem and we have to solve it and start our action to this problem now. Al Gore opened my eyes on important thing like global warming, many people think that it is a normal problem but if they watch this movie they will know the amount of this problem and I am sure they will care more about this problem and they will take action like try to do something to reduce their carbon emission now, to save the earth before it is a global disaster.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Abu Dhabi Solution for Global Warming

Global Warming is important subject in our life, and we have to care about it. Every body in everywhere should know about it and how it is can effect in our life and what kind of problem it may cause.

Abu Dhabi should do something to make people aware of global warming. It can do many things such as:

1- Put this subject in student course in all Abu Dhabi schools and universities and teach the student about this problem and what it's may cause and effect in our life.
2- It can make books talk about this problems in Arabic, and sell it in all libraries.
3- Abu Dhabi should advertise about this subject in all newspaper and in radio and TV channels.

By that all people will know about Global Warming and about it danger on the earth and they will care and take action to this problem.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


We’ll save the planet only if we’re forced to change our lifestyle and make decision with live life with less carbon dioxide. All people should now the amount of danger that we live and we have take action to this. We have only one planet to live on it and we have to keep it save by trying to reduce our carbon foot print and make a cool cities, cities with zero carbon emission. " Start now with change to save the earth"

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


One of the most beautiful Arab countries is Lebanon, which was called in the bible "the land of milk and honey". The capital of Lebanon is Beirut; it is having a nickname which is "Paris of the east". Lebanon has one of the most famous singers in the world she is "Shakira". The name of the five countries which surround Lebanon is Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Cyprus and Israel.

Lebanon has many realign for example Muslims and Christians. Frome 1943 to 1948 there was circumstances that contributed to increased tensions between Muslims and Christians. The tensions was in 1975 the reasons of these tension was, Christians held the balance of power and Lebanese Muslims had little say in the running their country, and members of a radical Christian group, the Phalange attacked and killed a bus full of Palestinians in down town Beirut. The result of the tensions is that, Revenge killings followed, and violence began to spiral out of control. In 1982 the Israel army invaded the city with the aim of removing the Palestinian Liberation organisation. The space deal was reached.
The human and economic costs of the conflict were between 150000_200000 people died daring the civil war. Another 300000 were wounded, nearly a quarter of the population left the country, and for year Beirut's economy was paralysed.

There are some problems in the Lebanon. Like, living there is expensive, air pollution and a lot of traffic on the street. However it's nice country.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Crowds flock to monkey 'wedding'

One of the strangest weddings in the world. It was a ceremony in eastern India in Ghanteswara village in Orissa state. It was attended by some 3000 villagers. The wedding was for two monkeys, the bride name "Jhumuri" and she was dresses in a five meter long sari and decked in flowers and smeared her with sandalwoods. The "groom" a three year old male monkey named Manu was found him in a neighbouring village. The priest followed all rituals that he does in human marriages in the monkeys marriage. The monkeys were showered with gifts by those present. The woman who has been looking after the female monkey felt as if her daughter was getting married. Now the two monkeys have been released by their owner after they were kept on chain.

It is really strange wedding, and so interesting and funny.